GScribble new release

I started this project back in last summer. I wanted to learn something, and I had already been hit by twitter. As a result I lost interest in blogging, I always wished something like twitterfox so that I could blog whenever I wanted to, without opening firefox. It is a tedious task to open firefox then, then logging in and then clicking on new post.

So I decided that lets work on something new, if others wont use it at least I will. However I would like to credit Lekhonee. It gave me an idea to start and proceed, I have pasted a lot of code from there.

I have a new HTML and Visual mode for the editor now like WordPress, however the Visual mode does not allow editing now. I had been searching for it for quite sometime. I then sat down to write my own class for it. I still have it the svn, but it is not complete and it parses only a few html tags right now. Later I found out writr on pygtk apps link on the official website of pygtk

I have made some small tweaking in the GUI, thought the broader look is the same. I have made it compatible to the new glade designer 3.0. With this release the main task left is blogger.

Posted from GScribble.

proxy in xmlrpclib

This is just an extension of the example shown here .

import xmlrpclib, httplib
class ProxiedTransport(xmlrpclib.Transport):
    def set_proxy(self, proxy):
        self.proxy = proxy
	self.puser_pass = puser_pass
    def make_connection(self, host):
        self.realhost = host
        h = httplib.HTTP(self.proxy)
        return h
    def send_request(self, connection, handler, request_body):
        connection.putrequest("POST", 'http://%s%s' % (self.realhost, handler))
    def send_host(self, connection, host):
        connection.putheader('Host', self.realhost)
	connection.putheader('User-agent', self.user_agent)
	# Check is proxy username and password is set
	if len(self.puser_pass.strip()) != 0:
		connection.putheader('Proxy-authorization','Basic '+self.puser_pass)

p = ProxiedTransport()
proxyUsername = 'proxyuser'
proxyPassword = 'proxypass'
puser_pass = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (proxyUsername, proxyPassword)).strip()

p.set_proxy('proxy-server:8080', puser_pass)
server = xmlrpclib.Server('', transport=p)
print server.currentTime.getCurrentTime()

A similar code has been used in my blog client GScribble.

RPMs for GScribble released

Today is another big day for me, I have made a new release for GScribble along with RPMs for Fedora. I take this opportunity to thank my seniors Debayan Bannerjee for all round support that he gave me during the college, Shreyank Gupta who did the artwork for GScribble and Rangeen Basu who helped me with packaging.

Being the first release the app is missing a lot of basic functionalities which I will provide later on. I will try to release as soon as I make some changes so that I keep myself involved in it.

I remember when I first started using Twitter I lost my patience to blog, then I realised that it was TwitterFox which was the main reason, I then tried to search for blog clients. Eventually I could not find any nice app. Since then I had decided that I would write an app for me.

I would also like to thank Srijan technologies who provided me sufficient free time during my internship that helped me a lot to work on it.